When you have had a long, stressful day or want to combat anxious feelings, relaxing essential oils can provide a quick, natural way that can help create a calm environment that will put you at ease. Relaxing essential oil blend with Lavender, Frankincense and Grapefruit promote relaxation, peace and wellness. Also, Eucalyptus in the mix can help alleviate anxiety and stress, while Rosemary and Pine Needle oils can help uplift and improve the mood and stimulate a tired mind. Therefore, this scent can help revive the mind and body from tiredness brought on by stress.

Lavender essential oil
Lavender essential oil is known for its calming and relaxing properties, which can help to relieve tension and stress. You can find more information about Lavender oil in our article Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil. [1, 2, 3]
Frankincense essential oil
Frankincense essential oil is also an excellent choice for promoting relaxation, as it has a sweet and woodsy aroma that can help calm the mind and body. [4]

Grapefruit essential oil
Grapefruit essential oil is uplifting and refreshing, making it perfect during stressful times. [5]
Eucalyptus essential oil
Eucalyptus essential oil is believed and often used to help ease feelings of anxiety and stress. [6]

Rosemary essential oil
Rosemary essential oils can invigorate the nervous system, helping to improve moods and stimulate a tired mind. [7]
Pine Needle essential oil
Pine Needle essential oil can be energising and revitalising, offering relief from fatigue or listlessness while also helping to uplift the mood. [8]
Create a calming atmosphere and promote feelings of peace and harmony in your mind and body. Try our Relaxing essential oil scented products today!
With Love and Light,
Snug Scent